• East Coast Recycling, Inc. is a manufacturer of organic by-products, which include Mulch, TopSoil, and Pine Dust. These high quality products are produced from yard waste and land clearing debris from jobs in the Tri-County areas.

    Our Native Mulch contains all native woods found in the Tri-County area. Some of these woods include: cypress, yellow pine, oak, melaleuca, (various) palms, Australian pine, and some exotics. These products go through various natural composting and reduction processes, which sterilize the finished product.Our long-term process begins with the stockpiling of wood. This is to ensure that the product reaches a high enough temperature to prevent germination of seeds. The product is then reduced to a consistent product via grinding/shredding. Then this product is put through the screening process to extract and separate the various products. The screening creates various products that are high in organic matter, and mulch that is made solely from the remaining oversize wood grinds/shreds. The finished product is then a seed free, weed free wood.

    Mulch is often used in the following applications:
    • Weed suppression
    • Erosion control
    • Topsoil production
    • Dust abatement
    • Moisture retention in soil
    • Landscape area top-dressing/decoration
    • Playground area cover
    • Hiking and equestrian trail maintenance
    • ECR Mulch is manufactured from clean, recycled wood derived from pallets and other dimensional lumber (Pallet Mulch) or land clearing and tree trimmings (Native Mulch).
    • Particle Size: 1⁄2” – 3”, and not less than 3/8” in width and 1/16” in thickness. (85% by volume shall conform)


    • Costs 50% less than cypress mulch. 
    • Aesthetically, Native mulch is consistently a golden brown derived from pine, oak, palm, exotics and various other wood products. Native mulch retains its color for 4 to 6 months where as, cypress mulch loses its color in 2 to 3 months. Recent studies comparing the two products by color revealed no distinction between the two after 60 to 90 days. 
    • Material processed is screened at least twice through ECR’s process creating clean wood-base mulch with minimal decomposed fines and dirt (sand). Other concerns about alternate mulch are contaminants such as plastic, glass and metals. ECR’s Native mulch is 99.9% contaminant free. 
    • Prevention of water loss due to evaporation. 
    • Deters weeds when mulch is applied from 3” to 4” deep. This applies to mulches, which are weed seed – free. Native mulch is weed seed – free due to the composting treatment that ECR utilizes in its production process. 
    • Native mulch acts as an insulator giving the soil a more uniform temperature. Thus protecting the root system from drainage. 
    • Reduces erosion, prevents soil-surface crusting, thus improving absorption and percolation of water.

    Black Pallet Mulch is manufactured (produced) from organic wood materials extracted from native areas from St. Lucie County. It is less expensive to purchase while realizing the same benefits as traditional mulches (pine bark, pine straw, cypress etc.). East Coast Recycling, Inc. (ECR) produces alternate mulch called Native Mulch. ECR's Native Mulch looks similar to cypress shredded mulch due to its color and physical traits related to shredded wood fiber.

    Coco Pallet Mulch is manufactured (produced) from organic wood materials extracted from native areas from St. Lucie County. It is less expensive to purchase while realizing the same benefits as traditional mulches (pine bark, pine straw, cypress etc.). East Coast Recycling, Inc. (ECR) produces alternate mulch called Native Mulch. ECR's Native Mulch looks similar to cypress shredded mulch due to its color and physical traits related to shredded wood fiber.

    Red Pallet Mulch is manufactured (produced) from organic wood materials extracted from native areas from St. Lucie County. It is less expensive to purchase while realizing the same benefits as traditional mulches (pine bark, pine straw, cypress etc.). East Coast Recycling, Inc. (ECR) produces alternate mulch called Native Mulch. ECR's Native Mulch looks similar to cypress shredded mulch due to its color and physical traits related to shredded wood fiber.

    Gold Pallet Mulch is manufactured (produced) from organic wood materials extracted from native areas from St. Lucie County. It is less expensive to purchase while realizing the same benefits as traditional mulches (pine bark, pine straw, cypress etc.). East Coast Recycling, Inc. (ECR) produces alternate mulch called Native Mulch. ECR's Native Mulch looks similar to cypress shredded mulch due to its color and physical traits related to shredded wood fiber.

    Compost Mulch is manufactured (produced) from organic wood materials extracted from native areas from St. Lucie County. It is less expensive to purchase while realizing the same benefits as traditional mulches (pine bark, pine straw, cypress etc.). East Coast Recycling, Inc. (ECR) produces alternate mulch called Native Mulch. ECR's Native Mulch looks similar to cypress shredded mulch due to its color and physical traits related to shredded wood fiber.

    Native Mulch is manufactured (produced) from organic wood materials extracted from native areas from St. Lucie County. It is less expensive to purchase while realizing the same benefits as traditional mulches (pine bark, pine straw, cypress etc.). East Coast Recycling, Inc. (ECR) produces alternate mulch called Native Mulch. ECR's Native Mulch looks similar to cypress shredded mulch due to its color and physical traits related to shredded wood fiber.

    Compost Mulch is manufactured (produced) from organic wood materials extracted from native areas from St. Lucie County. It is less expensive to purchase while realizing the same benefits as traditional mulches (pine bark, pine straw, cypress etc.). East Coast Recycling, Inc. (ECR) produces alternate mulch called Native Mulch. ECR's Native Mulch looks similar to cypress shredded mulch due to its color and physical traits related to shredded wood fiber.

Contact Info


East Coast Recycling
4880 Glades Cut-Off Road
Fort Pierce, FL 34981

Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday 7AM to 5PM

Our Mission

East Coast Recycling endeavors to offer the highest quality services and products at an attractive value to our customers, while maintaining an environmentally sound business practice.